Plant your way to Office Success!
You've seen the chaos, that one office member - teetering reprimand with an overgrown foliage canapy. Plant leaves and shoots, sprawling in an unorderly fashion. Sure, it's eco-friendly and oxygenates the air for miles - but are you ready to sport an inter-office foliage swag of your own? A fashionable phenom in flowers' sprout from the crystal vase - featuring one small colorful fish, as an unbothered creature below. Then you have gift baskets turned hobby desk flowers that (by now) yearn for a passionate gardener's tlc. What is your current cubicle climate? Diligent workplace efforts paired with plant life may prove to be a satisfying source of healthful living. Firstly, do you have a thriving plant in or around the work area? While most cubicle environments are efficiently comfortable, will your space also provide a source of nature-based sustenance or does it basically seem sus. Does your cube employ the benefit of healthful reciprocation to match daily toil and l...